Friday, June 27, 2008

"Real" Rock Band

We just got home from a short visit with (soon-to-be) Uncle Will and Aunt Brittany. After trying out "Grand Theft Auto IV" on Will's Playstation 3... and keeping Kinzie out of the room for most of the video game debauchery... we ventured down to the basement for a little "Real" Rock Band.
Kinzie loves playing the drums!

Each Sunday, after church, she practices a little bit on the electronic drum kit at Abbott, but this is the first time she got to play a real drum set.

Will is a good teacher.

Even I joined in, and I've got to be honest... I've played with worse drummers...
(*cough* Jon Chester *cough* *cough*)

Tomorrow, it will be exactly one week until our wedding! Laura and I are going to try and blog each day with a countdown leading up to next Saturday, July 5th.

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